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Orgain Organic is a protein powder that’s become quite popular recently, especially in the modern age where many protein powder brands can be almost completely unless and fall short of the results you were expecting. However, like all products of this type, you’ll want to make sure that you’re getting the best possible benefits: there’s no point settling for ‘pretty good’.
Product Overview
Before we dive into any details, here’s a breakdown of what Orgain Organic offers:
About Orgain Organic Protein Powder
Orgain Organic protein powder is a very clean, clear type of protein powder designed to offer as many benefits as possible without being too overloaded or bulky, as well as joining the ranks of other vegan organic protein powders when it comes to being as healthy and accessible as possible. To really explain what it offers, we’ll have to get into a proper, detailed look at what it actually contains and offers it’s customers, especially compared to other protein powder types.
Orgain Organic powder contains 21 grams of protein gathered from a range of sources, most notable brown rice, peas and chia seeds. The brown rice protein doubles as a digestive aid and appetite suppressant, while the peas and chia seeds offer an improved amount of protein to ensure that you’re getting more from less of the powder overall. This means that all of the basic ingredients are vegan: as you’ll see later, the rest of the mixture is too.
Orgain Organic plant based protein is, as the name suggests, fully organic. Plant based protein doesn’t contain any artificial ingredients, nor does it have any meat-based proteins that could conflict with a vegan diet. Even the simple pea protein is still just as useful, letting you get the same benefits as meat proteins without any of the vegan issues or other downsides that they can sometimes cause.
The Orgain Organic plant based protein powder isn’t actually meant exclusive as a workout powder: it’s more meant for general health, making it a good option for first time users. The ingredients list makes this clear, offering both protein and fiber as well as other useful extras like potassium (famous for being the “banana mineral”), sodium and carbohydrates.
The amount of nutrient and ingredients in a single 46 gram serving of Orgain protein powder is as follows:
- 4 grams of fat.
- 200 milligrams of sodium.
- 160 milligrams of potassium.
- 15 grams of carbohydrates (multiple types and sources).
- 21 grams of protein.
- 0 milligrams (or less than 1 milligram) of cholesterol.
This is a great spread of nutrition in a single type of powder, and the product cuts out any harmful or unneeded ingredients to give you exactly what you need without adding extra calories to your diet.
Organ Organic vegan protein powders come in a range of different flavors, each which their own distinctive taste. They’re all fully mixable with water and milk (or other liquids, if you prefer) and have the same ingredients and consistency, so you don’t need to worry about one being thicker or less healthy than another. The current line of flavors includes:
- Vanilla Bean.
- Cookies and Cream.
- Vanilla Almond.
- Natural Unsweetened.
- Iced Macha Tea.
- Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup.
- Creamy Chocolate Fudge.
All of these flavors are the same in terms of benefits and effectiveness: peanut butter and vanilla bean are no healthier than creamy chocolate fudge, even though creamy chocolate fudge tastes like something that would normally be unhealthy. None of the flavorings stop it from being an organic plant based protein powder, either, so they’re still fully vegan.
The liquid you mix these flavors into will change the taste. Regular milk and almond milk will produce different results when using vanilla bean or creamy chocolate fudge, and water compared to regular or almond milk can make even a distinctive taste like creamy chocolate fudge quite different.
Like most protein powders, Orgain Organic protein powder is meant to be used to help you stay healthy in the long run, and it has quite a long list of benefits thanks to its varied ingredients.
As you might expect, the protein is the key part of this powder and the most useful thing it can offer. Protein helps you build muscle and makes it easier to burn fat from exercise, as well as giving you some extra energy and healing injured areas faster. Since there are three different main protein sources, you’re getting a mixture of types, with the brown rice protein in particular helps you stay full for longer and suppressing your appetite to keep your calorie intake down.
The other ingredients are also useful: the sodium and potassium help you get certain nutrients that you can easily miss out on if you’re following a strict diet, and the carbohydrates give you a boost of natural energy instead of forcing you to rely on harmful stimulants. In fact, none of the ingredients are harmful, so you’re not putting yourself at risk by using the powder and there are no downsides to trying it out at least once.
Alongside building muscle, Orgain Organic protein powder is also great for weight loss. It can work as a meal replacement to help you avoid eating large lunches while still feeling full, and the various flavors mean that you won’t get bored of the tastes or be forced to eat something bland every day. Since it’s natural, unsweetened and organic, you’re also not getting any of the harmful ingredients that might be included in pre-made protein shakes or similar products.
There’s no sugar and a low net carbs per serving, meaning that it’s even easier to lose weight simply by using Orgain Organic as a meal replacement. Plant-based protein powder is some of the healthiest there is, and this also makes it vegan protein powder, so it’s accessible and has very few downsides.
Side Effects
All protein powders can have side effects if they’re used too often, with Orgain Organic occasionally causing bloating in certain people. This isn’t the fault of the powder, though: this will happen with any protein powders if they’re overused, so it’s not exclusive to Orgain Organic. Other than that, there aren’t really any side effects to speak of.
How much does it cost?
Orgain Organic protein powder will be a little bit more expensive than the cheapest option available to you, but that’s mainly because it’s higher-quality and made with organic, healthy ingredients. When you’re looking for the best protein vegan powder you can find, it’s often worth going above the cheapest option for the sharp increase in quality, even if you’re still not going for the most expensive options available. The current prices are:
- $2.99 for one single-serve packet.
- $21.99 for a 1.02-pound container.
- $26.99 for ten single-serve packets.
- $29.99 for a 2.03-pound container.
All of these are used the same way, and may be mixed into whichever drinks you like. The only difference is the number of servings: the protein content, net carbs and calories per serving stay the same. However, this may vary depending on how much you actually use for a single serving compared to the recommended amount.
These prices are fairly good when you remember what’s offered by Orgain: organic, plant based and soy free protein that’s very healthy. This could make it one of the best vegan protein powder types in terms of price relative to its actual health benefits and quality, especially compared to other similar products.
Buyers Guide
How do products like Orgain Organic protein actually help you when you’re trying to lose weight, build muscle mass or get yourself on a healthy diet? If you’re trying to find the best protein powders for vegans, it won’t always be easy to understand what matters if you’re not aware of how they work, so here’s a quick buyers’ guide about how protein powder is supposed to help and what kind of situations you’d use it for.
Muscle Repair
Your muscles need proteins to repair properly if they’re damaged, but that doesn’t just mean damage from normal injuries. When you exercise, you’re actually tearing and ripping your muscles so that they break down and then re-grow as a stronger version of themselves. Most protein powder aims to help with this by giving your muscles more proteins to work with, letting them repair faster and stopping you from having to take an extended break while they heal. Not only that, but they can get rid of any lingering pains, too, especially if you pushed yourself further than normal and are struggling to properly get over the pains!
One of the reasons that many people use plant based protein powder is the lack of harmful ingredients or chemicals that they can include, as well as the fact that they can easily fit into a range of existing diets. Brands like Vega Protein are known for this and use it as a selling point, but they still have the same overall purpose: helping your muscles regrow and repair faster than they otherwise would without any of the protein powder.
Muscle Growth
Alongside muscle repair, you also have muscle growth: a key part of improving your body’s structure and growing stronger muscles is breaking them down, but that’s not the only benefit that protein powder can give you when you’re using exercise to build up a more toned or muscular body. For a start, protein has the obvious benefit of giving you more useful nutrients and energy that can be invaluable when you’re trying to work out for longer.
The increased energy offered by the special nutrients and ingredients in most powders can make it much easier to keep exercising for longer before feeling exhausted and worn down, which is incredibly useful if you’re trying to power through tough workouts and push your body to a higher limit. At a certain point, your body will just become too tired or sore to continue exercising, but the right kinds of organic ingredients can make this much easier. This is one of the reasons that Orgain is so good for workouts, since their ingredients are beneficial without being harmful.
Weight Loss
In a similar way, a lot of these powders are also useful for weight loss, since they can help to boost your metabolism or help you exercise for longer. Even a small change can dramatically increase the amount of fat you’re burning with each exercise, and the right powder might even end up giving you the benefits you need to start losing weight rather than maintaining it or fluctuating around an average point.
Remember that exercises still matters, though. Powders can’t burn fat themselves, and you need to put in effort if you want to notice changes every time you review your weight loss progress. Orgain Organic plant based powder, as well as other plant based protein powder types, have the distinction of being a bit ‘healthier’ since they’re entirely organic, resulting in lower fat (even though it would be minimal already) and a lack of anything that could be a major allergen or cause a bad reaction.

Key Features
- 8 different flavors.
- 21 grams of protein per serving.
- 5 grams of fiber per serving.
- Completely vegan.
- Gluten and soy free.
- Organic and GMO-free.
- Only 150 calories per serving.
- Supports muscle repair and growth.
- Helps with weight loss.
- Low overall calorie count.
- High in nutrition.
- Contains plenty of protein.
- Contains ingredients with minor side effects.
- Slightly more expensive than some powder types.
- Less convenient than snack bars.
Frequently Asked Questions
How good is Orgain Organic protein powder?
According to most customer reviews, Organic Organic is one of the better vegan protein powders around, and it can also get a lot of positive review press from non-vegans who are simply looking for a healthy option. The high protein content makes Orgain a good choice for people who exercise frequently in general, and the fact that it’s plant based doesn’t exclude anybody from using it. These things alone make it a great option for plenty of people, no matter what diet they might follow.
Is Orgain Organic protein safe?
The proteins from Orgain powder is USDA certified and comes from a range of natural sources, meaning that it’s helpful without containing any nutritional ingredients that can cause a problem. Since it’s soy and gluten free, you also don’t need to worry about your body potentially rejecting it, unlike whey protein or a protein shake that uses a soy chocolate flavor.
Is Orgain Organic protein powder good for weight loss?
While many products may show mixed results in terms of weight loss, Orgain is very different, mostly because it uses certified by USDA organic ingredients. Not only does this mean that the mixed nutrition is as healthy as possible, but it also means that the powders are incredibly good for almost any diet, and you won’t feel bloated or sluggish in the same way that you may after having larger sources of protein.
The lack of fat and increased protein content per serving also makes it one of the more efficient products in terms of nutrition per scoop or serving: it tastes great thanks to the natural flavors, but there’s no extra padding there (such as real chocolate to give it a chocolate flavor), so it’s much less hefty and fatty than a lot of protein-filled items.
What is the best organic protein powder?
There’s no single best vegan protein powders on the market, since all of them have features that set them apart from one another. Mixed opinions in reviews don’t mean that a powder is bad, and you may find that your favorite is one that nobody is even mentioning. You should always use protein powders, smoothies, and shakes that benefit you, and you shouldn’t drop your favorite option just because somebody says it’s not popular.
Once you’ve found powders that you like, don’t be afraid to look at reviews for others just in case: you may find something similar that’s cheaper, more efficient or just better for a specific activity or diet. After all, every single review may be biased in some way, and you can never tell what’s actually perfect for you until you give them a try.
Hopefully this review has given you an idea of how Orgain Organic’s natural protein can be useful to you, along with an understanding of what it offers and whether or not it’s the kind of product you might like. Please try to look at things from your own point of view: a review is just a review, and you have to make the final decision, so don’t be afraid to look up extra details or check over the other features the powder offers: you want something that’s safe and reliable, no matter how popular it is among other people who use protein powders and exercise-focused products or supplements. If you decide to start using Orgain Organic, hopefully you’ll be able to integrate it into your workout routines well and start reaping the benefits almost straight away!
Expert Tip
Protein powder doesn’t have to be your only source of protein: feel free to use it in diets that already feature some protein, or alongside other snack bars that are made for muscle building and weight loss.
Did you know?
Too much protein can be dangerous, so don’t always feel like you have to double up the servings: take things slowly and keep track of your intake to get the best results.